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Wednesday, 20 May 2020


Startup Automate Robotics selected for Virtual Incubation Program by (National Association Of Software And Service Companies a trade association of India Information Technology) NASSCOM 10,000 Start-ups.


Sunday, 17 May 2020

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Lift to drag and drag to lift ratio

The lift to drag ratio and drag to lift ratio of unmanned aerial vehicle from ground and it helps for stability of drone.

As per frame size the brushless motors rating,motor size and propeller size are depends.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle "Rogue Autonomous Drone.

Next challenge Accelerate Program Unmanned Aerial Vehicle design view 'Rogue Autonomous Drone.

Thursday, 14 May 2020


Main Frame Design of Rogue Autonomous Drone for surveillance and controlled by Smart Phone GPS.

Its a autonomous preprogramed micro controllers drones,Four Brushless Motors 1000 KV,30 amp esc and 10*4.5 Propellers.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Autonomous Mobile Robot For Rough Surface

Robots are increasingly operating in indoor designed for people.Robots working safely  and autonomously in rough surface still face great challenges.This presents an opportunity for wheeled robots to navigate through slope areas while avoiding staircases.The integrated software and hardware system for autonomous robots navigation in uneven and unstructured indoor environments.The modular and reusable software framework incorporates capabilities of perception and navigation.The 3D-Oct map representation for the  uneven  environments with the 3D Mapping using wheel odometry.

Rear Castor Wheel Design Of New prototype

Rear Castor Wheel design for prototype robot,3 Dimensional model.